For many, the holiday season can the busiest time of the year. However, if you set aside the time to remember those who allow your business to thrive, you will certainly notice a positive change in your workplace environment. It should be noted that this gesture of appreciation does not have to cost you as much as you would think. There are many low-to-no cost ideas for honoring your employees from greeting cards with a personal touch to personalized trinkets that they can display at their desk or home.
Herndon Recognition is currently making it much easier to find a unique yet economical holiday gift by offering three beautifully designed ornaments for you to present to your organization's employees this year. Not only can you choose any of our three pre-designed ornaments, you may also add your company logo or an employee name to make the gift just that much more special.
Contact us today to find out more!
For even more ideas on how to bring more value to your employee recognition program, visit us at
Herndon Recognition Company is settled in the rich culture of the Northwest, where the climate is suitable for creating designer programs that best fit the broad base of the companies we work for. We have been helping create memorable moments that encourage and foster an environment where your workforce is continually positive and productive. We share with you the belief that your employees are your greatest assets.