Friday, December 2, 2011

Coffee Break!

Winter is just around the corner and with the cold gloomy weather becoming more frequent, the atmosphere around the office can often times get just as chilly.  One easy, low cost way to boost employee morale is to treat them to a round of coffee (and/or tea for those who prefer).  Whether you take individual orders or set up a station in the lunch room, providing this small gesture of appreciation can make a world of difference.  Not only will they appreciate the employee recognition but it will give them that extra kick to work more efficiently.
There are plenty of other ways just like this that simply say “thanks” to those who keep your business going and the unexpected gestures make an even bigger impact.  The best way to find out what your employees would like is to simply get to know them.  Take a couple of minutes out of your day to ask your employee what they have planned for the weekend or how their families are doing.  It also is important to be observant.  Take a look at their desks and chances are you’ll discover some of their interests by their desk décor alone.  If you have a lot of employees in your office, make notes if you have to so that when they close a big deal or finish an important project, you’ll know just what to do.

For other low to no cost ways to recognize your employees, check out our Employee Recognition Solutions on our website.

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